
March 29, 2012

Babies and Birthdays

The past few weeks have brought lots of new babies into my life.  Two of the engineers I work with have brand new babies.  One a girl, and one a boy.  I spent the weekend making these.
For the little girl.
Pattern for baby shoes, can be found at:
For the little boy. 
In addition, I finally found the time to write-up a pattern for this little bib.  When knit out of kitchen cotton, it makes the most practical bib for a teething baby.  My grandson slaubbered so much, when he was a baby, that he left a wet little trail, everywhere he went.  We started calling him "the Snail".  This little bib did wonders.  It prevented his shirt from always being wet, and helped with the chapping of his little chin. 
These samples were knit by my daughter.  She needed a quick baby gift for a friend.  They knit up in less than an hour, and make a really useful gift.  I generally use white, since kitchen cotton tends to fade in the washer.  The white can also be stain-treated more easily, so they alway look new.  There is even a size for a newborn, to prevent those nasty formula stains.  You can download a copy of my "free" pattern at:  ravelry

I meet with a great group of ladies on a monthly basis, so we can relax, knit and compare projects.  It is always so fun!  I'm always to inspired by everyone's choice of knitting projects, and it is a great time to ask each other questions about techniques or fiber choices.

Last month, Judy brought the most beautiful, ruffled scarves to share with everyone.  She had a huge bag of every color combination imaginable.  After we all oooed and aaawed over them all, we convinced her to sale us each one.  I chose this combination of purple, brown and wine.
I was so happy how the colors matched the two winter coats I have used most this year.  It has been a pretty mild winter her in SLC, and the scarves are so light and airy, that getting over-heated was never an issue.  My Mother purchased a scarf in combinations of black, gray and taupe.  It is truly an elegant combination.  Judy has allowed me to share her scarves with you too.  The scarves cost $35, and you can contact her at:  She'll be able to give you all of the color combinations available, along with the various styles.

"KnittiKat" was the winner of my recent "Give-Away".  She was sent a 400 yard hank of my first run of alpaca yarn.  The yarn is soft, in a heathered taupe color.  It came from "Cocoa Bean", the first member of our herd, and mother to our first born crea, "Chocolate Chip".  I hope she enjoys the yarn, and that she is able to make something really yummy from it.

March 12 was my grandaughter's 2nd birthday.  The whole fam-damily travelled to Idaho to attend her first birthday party.  As you can see, it was a "Yo Gabba-Gabba" themed party.  I'm not sure what that is, but my grandson, Zeek, totally understood the concept.  Grandpa made this sign for their door, to greet all of her little guests.

He also made this "pin the eye on Muno" game.  I guess "Muno" only has one eye.  Nola loved that Muno was taller than her, and those eyes were stuck on him in some pretty interesting ways.

A swag of character flags flanked the enterway.

Juice boxes were made into the characters too, along with animal cracker boxes, which became "Yo Gabba Gabba" boom boxes.  There were character colored M & M's, pizza, salad & cupcakes.
Each child also received a character party hat, a character mask on a stick, and a character balloon.  All so cute, and so much fun.  The big kid modeling the hat is my son.  He was a little old for whole "Yo Gabba Gabba" thing.

It was a great party, and all of the kids had lots of fun.  Especially the part where they had to sit on a balloon and pop it to get a prize.

Nola even decided she might need a nap in the middle of the party and brought her blanket to the party.
We all had loads of fun, and now we all know what . . . who "Yo Gabba Gabba" is???  You can see more pictures of the fun party ideas at:

The test knitting for Joan is progressing nicely.  I took some great pictures of Cheryl and Joan's samples, which I was so excited to show you, but I messed up and deleted them.  I'll hope to get some new shots, that can be shared at a later time.  They are both progressing beautifully, and they've helped me to really refine and improve the pattern.  I appreciate both of their help, and can't wait to share the results with all of you.  Happy Knitting!

1 comment:

Camille @ Camille's Casa said...

Cutest birthday party ever, Carissa is too darn adorable! Btw, just read the post about how I was supposed to get some rolls, I'll be sure to give Carissa a hard time about that:)