
August 23, 2013

Summer Ends . . . and the living's easy

Here we are again, making a fast approach to Labor Day. The old garden chair has been given a fresh new color.
The garden is flourishing, and there are plenty of zucchinis and cucumbers for everyone.

My granddaughter has been learning to sew, and finished this skirt jusst in time for school to start.
There were only a few seams to unpick, but then that is part of the process of learning. She did a great job, and we had a really fun day together. She has just started Jr. High. Oh my, where has the time gone?
She was the model for this sweater, knit some 11+ years ago.  She has grown up so nicely!
This Summer has been a great one. We received a new little baby girl in our family. She is starting to smile, and is such a cute little thing. We are so happy to have her. We took a little trip to Yellowstone, which was really fun. I hadn't been there for a long time, and although not much has changed, it was really fun to see how the land has recovered from the 1989 fire. Our Nephew was deployed to Afganistan, and we couldn't be prouder. We discovered our granddaughter had cerebral palsy, and we have watched her make advancements at a rate we didn't think possible. Although some things were challenging, it was a Summer to remember.
It was also our grandson's turn to make his 3-year-old trip to "Build a Bear". He was so cute, all shy about talking to the store workers, yet so excited to give his new dog "Sparky" a bath and brushing, and to put on his new clothes. Sparky even had his own chair in the Mall Food Court, when we were eating our Hot Dogs on a Stick. Such a fun time! His cousin is next, so we'll be making the trip again in a few weeks. Princess Bear with sparkles . . . here we come!
The "Hayden Sweater" was nearing completion, as you saw in my last post.  But, it had some serious fit issues, so it was "frogged".  I started again, and with a few modifications, I think this version is much better.
Here she is, checking the sweater out herself. She likes the new version better too, as the sleeves will fit her chubby arms a little better. I wonder where she inherited those chubby arms? Hmmmm, it could be me.
The sleeves will be moving back onto the needles today, and the bonnet will come next.  I hope to have the pattern ready for publishing before my next post.
My "Junonia" skirt still looks the same as my last post. I'm hoping to get some time with it soon. Visions of Christmas gift projects have been swimming in my head, so I hope "Junonia" comes to completion before 6 new projects jump on my needles.

September brings the beginning of "Knit Nights". I've missed seeing everyone during the Summer, and I can't wait to get started again. I am always so inspired by everyone's projects.

Check out the darling little turtle shell blanket and hat, crocheted by Tiffany, from our group. See . . . inspiration everywhere you turn. Tiffany's Nephew was the lucky recipient of this gift and the model in this casserole dish. What a lucky little fellow! I'll bet even his foot won't fit in that dish in 15 years, or so.

Well we are entering the autumn season, with falling leaves, cool breezes, pumpkins, apples, and all of the fun things Fall brings. Happy knitting . . . . . .

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