
June 30, 2011

Lori Shrugged

I am finally finished.  After many test knittings and revisions, here is my newest originally designed knitting pattern:  "Lori Shrugged".
You can download my pattern at: and you should be able to get it, without opening an account at  However, a ravelry account is free, and will give you access to many newly designed patterns, as well as a look at knit/crochet projects posted by many members.  You can also look up projects you are currently working on, and see what other's have found about the pattern, and the type of yarns used.
It took me a while to set up my Ravelry Pattern Store, because I am very "techno-challenged", but with some help from the nice people at Ravelry, I was finally able to do it.  I was surprised to find that 4 patterns were downloaded in the first hour they were available, and as of this posting, 10 have sold.  You may want to check out my other patterns there.  Some are free to download, and have been written about in previous posts.
I have gotten a lot of wear out of this little shrug.  Although it is cool enough to wear in the hot summer months, the cotton/linen blend yarn used, does not have enough stretch and recovery to be to my total liking.  It does stretch out a bit.

Although the sun is in my eyes, the shrug will prevent my back and neck from getting sunburned, which is always what happens.  After wearing it to several family functions, I received quite a few requests from other's who wanted one.  This gave me the chance to really give my pattern a good test, and several errors were found.

Here is Carissa in her's.  She has really enjoyed it.  The weather has gotten really warm in Idaho, so she has packed it away until fall.

This is Emily's.  She has been too busy to come over and try it on for photographing.  She wanted the long-sleeved version, which I like even better.  I'm sure she'll look really cute in it, when it is cool enough to wear it.  It is knit from an angora/merino blend, and although it is more stretchy than mine, it is warmer too.

Here is the back view.  You can see that the lace pattern continues in the back and down the sleeves.  The ruffle is knit all the way around, on a circular needle.  If this is a design that you would like to try, check it out on Ravelry, and of course, let me know what you think.

My sister's looks just like mine, and was finished and delivered right before her son's wedding.  Alex's was knit out of a heavier wool yarn, and she won't get it until her birthday.  It would be way too hot wear right now anyway.  Laura's is still on the needles.  It is being knit out of a cashmere/merino blend in ivory, and I think it will end up being my favorite.  Anyway, when Laura's is finished, so am I.   I'm sick of knitting the same thing over and over again. Happy knitting . . .


Carissa said...

It just goes to show, no matter how old we get.... our mother continues to find ways to get "the sisters" to have matching outfits. But we all love our sweaters, thanks mom!

Camille @ Camille's Casa said...

Love this!! And congrats on selling some patterns! I was telling Carissa lastnight that you could be selling your baby sweaters for mucho moolah at baby boutiques, they're so perfect!

laura said...

I think mine will be my favorite too!! Thanks mom